enum parameterizedExamples = `
# Standard list: skip spaces, drop the separator
# Minimum one Elem
List(Elem, Sep) < Elem (:Sep Elem)*
# A list accepting 0 element as a valid input
List0(Elem, Sep) < List(Elem, Sep)?
# Standard comma-separated list
CommaList(Elem) < List(Elem, ',')
# Standard space-separated list
SpaceList(Elem) < List(Elem, ' ')
# Standard array rule: [1, 2, ... ].
Array(Elem) < :'[' List0(Elem, ',') :']'
# Apply Pattern until End
Until(Pattern, End) <- (!End Pattern)* :End
# Everything but the End marker. Concatenates the entire match
But(End) <~ Until(., End)
# Input delimited by a begin and a close marker
Delimited(Begin, Close) <- :Begin But(Close)
# Standard double-quoted string
String <- Delimited(doublequote, doublequote)
# Line (everything to the end of the line)
Line <- Delimited(eps, endOfLine)
# Line comment
LineComment <- Delimited(:"//", endOfLine)
Example of parameterized rules. Pick and chose the ones you need.